
About me

Chris Horton therapeutic counsellor


Hi, I’m Chris

BA (Hons), MA (Sussex), MBA (Open), Dip. TA Practice, MBACP

I’ve had a varied career working in business, education and health. My experience of coaching others through personal and professional learning challenges led directly to my interest in counselling and psychotherapy.

I studied at the Wealden Institute and I’m trained in Transactional Analysis (TA) as a psychotherapeutic counsellor. I have extensive experience in bereavement counselling and as Head of Wellbeing and Outreach at St Peter & St James hospice led a team providing psychosocial support to the mid-Sussex community. I have worked as a counsellor in a variety of East Sussex charities, including Care for the Carers, Counselling Plus and the addiction support charity, Change Grow Live.

I am an Associate practitioner at Brighton & Hove Psychotherapy and work from their rooms in Lewes and Hove.

I’m a member of the United Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis (UKATA) and hold the UKATA Diploma award, which is recognised by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). I’m also a registered member of BACP and my practice is governed by both UKATA and BACP ethical codes.

My practice is based upon three fundamental TA beliefs:

  • Everyone is OK - however we think, feel or behave, we each have innate value, dignity and worth.

  • Everyone has the capacity to think and decide for themselves - we are responsible for how we respond to others and for what we decide and act upon in life.

  • Any decision we make can be changed - we are all capable of choosing to change.

I access regular clinical supervision to safeguard my clients and to better inform my practice. I continually reflect upon my work and follow an annual training and development programme to develop my knowledge and skills in my ongoing commitment to professional effectiveness.